Endangered Level 1 Triton Shell, Sold in seafood restaurants…'No Investigation for a Year'

  • 남주원 기자
  • 2023.09.20 15:44

This Korean news, reported and written by News Penguin journalist Su-yeon Lee, has been translated and edited in English version by News Penguin journalist Joo-won Nam.

An endangered wild species level I Triton shell, discovered in a seafood restaurant in squid town on Ulleungdo. Authorities have not even conducted a complete enumeration for the past year. (Photo Citizens for Protecting National Parks)/News Penguin
An endangered wild species level I Triton shell, discovered in a seafood restaurant in squid town on Ulleungdo. Authorities have not even conducted a complete enumeration for the past year. (Photo Citizens for Protecting National Parks)/News Penguin

The critically endangered level 1 Triton shell is being sold in local seafood restaurants on Ulleungdo. It has raised concerns about the inadequate management of endangered species by the authorities.

The office of Representative Lee Eun-joo and the citizens' group 'Citizens for Protecting National Parks' conducted a local investigation on Ulleungdo on September 2nd after receiving a tip-off. The investigation revealed that the Triton shell, was being illegally sold in three seafood restaurants in Ulleungdo's squid town.

According to information obtained through interviews with residents by Representative Lee Eun-joo's office, it was confirmed that most of the Triton shells were either being sold or stored in restaurants. The Triton shell is a marine protected species and classified as critically endangered level 1, but it was being treated as just another catch for seafood here.

뉴스펭귄 기자들은 기후위기와 그로 인한 멸종위기를 막기 위해 헌신하고 있습니다.
정기후원으로 뉴스펭귄 기자들에게 힘을 실어 주세요. 이 기사 후원하기

Triton shells were often caught together during the fishing of edible gastropoda such as murex and horned turbans, or mixed with similar-looking gastropoda and distributed as edible seafood.

The suspicion that Triton shells are being illegally distributed and sold on Ulleungdo was raised when they were featured in a preview of the MBC variety program "I Live Alone" on August 25th. The controversy erupted in online communities from an aquarium at a seafood restaurant on Ulleungdo showed Triton shells being lifted by hand.

An official from Representative Lee Eun-joo's office said in a conversation with <News Penguin>, "A citizen who saw the trailer for 'I Live Alone' reported that they found Triton shells in the same seafood restaurant when they visited Ulleungdo recently. In the end, it is not clear whether Triton shells are endangered species, such issues continue to occur. The government should conduct a complete enumeration to understand how endangered species are actually caught and sold."

An endangered wild species level I Triton shell, discovered in a seafood restaurant in squid town on Ulleungdo. Authorities have not even conducted a complete enumeration for the past year. (Photo Citizens for Protecting National Parks)/News Penguin
An endangered wild species level I Triton shell, discovered in a seafood restaurant in squid town on Ulleungdo. Authorities have not even conducted a complete enumeration for the past year. (Photo Citizens for Protecting National Parks)/News Penguin

The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries had planned to strengthen promotion and guidance to prevent the bycatch and distribution of Triton shells through a joint protection plan announced in July last year. As a result of Representative Lee Eun-joo's review of data submitted by the Ministry of Environment, no complete enumeration was conducted nationwide to confirm cases of Triton shell bycatch and distribution after the announcement of the protection measures.

The Daegu Regional Environmental Office, which is in charge of Ulleungdo, had not conducted any activities for over a year, but they began an on-site investigation for the first time on September 13th following a complaint to the national public complaint center.

Representative Lee Eun-joo said, "Even the Ministry of Environment and local environmental offices, which are supposed to protect and manage endangered species, are laxly managing endangered level 1 wildlife. What about the rest of the species? The Ministry of Environment should reevaluate the marine national protected species's protection plan and implement measures with the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries before the species become extinct."

According to the 'Act on the Conservation and Management of Wildlife', those who process, distribute, store, export, import, take out, bring in endangered wildlife level 1 without permission can face imprisonment for up to three years or a fine of up to 30 million won. For capturing, collecting, damaging, killing will result in imprisonment for up to five years or a fine of up to 50 million won.

뉴스펭귄은 기후위험에 맞서 정의로운 해결책을 모색하는데 초점을 맞춘 국내 유일의 기후뉴스입니다. 젊고 패기 넘치는 기후저널리스트들이 기후위기, 지구가열화, 멸종의 위험성을 알리기 위해 분투하고 있으며, 그 공로로 다수의 언론상을 수상했습니다.

뉴스펭귄은 억만장자 소유주가 없습니다. 상업적으로나 정치적으로나 일체의 간섭이 없기 때문에 어떠한 금전적 이익이나 정치적 이해관계가 우리의 뉴스에 영향을 미치지 못합니다.

뉴스펭귄이 지속가능하기 위해서는 여러분의 지원이 필요합니다. 우리는 여러분의 후원을 밑거름으로, 게으르고 미적대는 정치권에 압력을 가하고 기업체들이 기후노력에 투자를 확대하도록 자극할 수 있습니다.

아무리 적은 금액이라도 여러분의 소중한 후원은 기후위험으로부터 우리를 지키는데 크게 쓰입니다.

뉴스펭귄을 후원해 주세요. 후원신청에는 1분도 걸리지 않으며 기후솔루션 독립언론이 강력한 영향력을 발휘하도록 만듭니다.


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