Five species of sharks distributed along the South Korean coast

  • 남주원 기자
  • 2023.08.25 16:39

The Korean news, reported and written by News Penguin journalist Yeon-jeong Park, has been translated and edited in English version by News Penguin journalist Joo-won Nam.

(Photo unsplash)/News Penguin
(Photo unsplash)/News Penguin

Recently, the presence of sharks in the seas around the Korean Peninsula has been increasing. Species like the great white shark and mako shark, which usually inhabit tropical and subtropical regions, are now migrating northward into the East Sea. Due to the climate crisis, the sea temperatures along the East Coast have risen, leading to an expansion of the territory for certain shark species that prefer warmer waters.

According to the National Institute of Fisheries Science, there are a total of 49 shark species known to distribute the waters around South Korea. Among them, only around 4 to 5 species are considered potentially threatening to humans. Even these sharks mostly mistake humans for prey such as seals or sea lions.

However, as the vacation season approaches, it's important to be aware of which sharks are present along the Korean coast and understand their characteristics. Let's introduce a few of the shark species that can be found in the waters around South Korea.

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(*This information is based on the 'Classification Guide of Sharks in the Waters around Korea,' published by the National Institute of Fisheries Science in 2022.)

Great white shark. (Photo Unsplash)/News Penguin
Great white shark. (Photo Unsplash)/News Penguin

1. Great white shark

The great white shark is well-known to people due to its appearance in the director Steven Spielberg's movie 'Jaws'. While it's often depicted as a man-eating predator, this is not true.

According to a recently published study, the great white shark is not aggressive toward humans, and when they do attack, it's likely that they mistake people swimming or paddling on surfboards for prey.

The great white shark inhabits the entire coastal waters of South Korea and is distributed across temperate, tropical, and subtropical regions worldwide.

The snout is pointed and conical, while the body is robust and cylindrical in shape. The dorsal side is a deep shade of gray. The teeth are triangular and have serrated edges.

Adult individuals can grow up to around 6 meters in length. When they are young, they feed on small osteichthyes, but as adults, their diet mainly consists of marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and dolphins.

Great white sharks swim individually or in small groups of one to two individuals. However, areas with abundant food sources can gather of around 10 sharks.

Mako shark. (Photo NOAA)/News Penguin
Mako shark. (Photo NOAA)/News Penguin

2. Mako shark

On the 8th of the past month, a shark believed to be a mako shark was spotted in Pohang. The mako shark is known to inhabit the entire coastal waters of South Korea and is found in temperate, tropical, and subtropical regions worldwide.

The snout is pointed and conical, while the back is dark blue, and the snout and belly have a whitish tint. The teeth are the shape of a long canine, with a pointy end and curved inwards.

A newborn baby is approximately around 60 to 70cm in length, while an adult can grow up to about 4 meters. They mainly inhabit warm seas with depths ranging from 0 to 150 meters, but they can also be found in areas with temperatures below 16°C.

The mako shark is a carnivorous fish that preys on other shark species as well. It primarily consumes bony fish like large temperate basses, pacific herring and tuna, and also feeds on squid.

These sharks weigh approximately around 68kg and it is known that they can consume up to 2kg of food per day.

Salmon shark. (Photo Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)/News Penguin
Salmon shark. (Photo Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)/News Penguin

3. Salmon shark

On the 6th of the past month, a salmon shark was found dead caught in a net off the East Sea coast. Initially, this shark was identified as a great white shark, but after experts' reexamination, it was confirmed to be a salmon shark.

The salmon shark is mainly found in the East Sea of South Korea and inhabits temperate and subarctic waters, including the Okhotsk Sea, in the North Pacific Ocean.

The salmon shark has a short and pointed snout, and its body is muscular and spindle-shaped. It has a large mouth with sharp, pointed teeth on both jaws. The dorsal side is characterized by a deep blue coloration, while the ventral side is lighter in color.

Adults can grow up to about 3 meters in length and are known for their swiftness. They feed on bony fish such as salmon. They inhabit cold waters and are capable of maintaining a body temperature higher than the sea temperature.

Blue shark. (Photo American Oceans))/News Penguin
Blue shark. (Photo American Oceans)/News Penguin

4. Blue shark

The blue shark is found in South Korea, including Jeju Island, as well as in the South Sea and the East Sea. It has a global distribution across temperate, tropical and subtropical waters, and is known to have the widest distribution ranges among shark species.

The deep blue coloration on its back led to it being named the 'Blue Shark'. Its sides are a light blue or silvery blue, and the belly can be pearlescent or white, while the pectoral fins are dark. Its body is slim and spindle-shaped, with long pectoral fins. When viewed from below, it has a pointed, fusiform snout.

Adults can grow up to about 4 meters and they feed on bony fish, squid, small sharks, seabirds and marine mammals. They are primarily active at night and tend to roam far out at sea.

Smooth hammerhead. (Photo unsplash)/News Penguin
Smooth hammerhead. (Photo unsplash)/News Penguin

5. Smooth hammerhead

The smooth hammerhead has a distinctive appearance with its head resembling a hammer, featuring eyes at each end. This unique shape makes it easily distinguishable from other sharks. Due to its hammer-like head, it's also referred to as the 'Hammerhead Shark'.

It inhabits waters throughout all of South Korea's maritime territory and is found in temperate and subtropical regions of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Adults can grow up to around 4 meters and belong to a relatively large medium-sized shark.

The smooth hammerhead has a diverse diet that includes bony fish such as pacific herring and sea bass, as well as small shark species. It also consumes rays, crustacea like crabs, shrimps, and cephalopoda like squid and octopus. They can be solitary or travel in groups of up to several dozen individuals.

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