Joyful Footprints Found on the Han River Bank in Gangseo-gu, Seoul

  • 남주원 기자
  • 2023.08.21 10:55

The Korean news, reported and written by News Penguin journalist Byeong-seon Lim, has been translated and edited in English version by News Penguin journalist Joo-won Nam.

Footprints of an otter have been discovered near the Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park in Seoul.

On the 13th, otter footprints were found in the eastern wetland near the Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park, located along the Han River in Gangseo-gu, Seoul. While otters have been continuously appearing in the main stream of the Han River, their presence has been not reported in Gangseo-gu.

Otters are classified as a first-class endangered species in South Korea, and their disappearing habitats and roadkill incidents are the greatest threats to their survival.

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Otter footprints found along the Han River near Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park. (Photo provided by Min-kyu Seong)/News Penguin
Otter footprints found along the Han River near Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park. (Photo provided by Min-kyu Seong)/News Penguin

Min-kyu Seong, a researcher at the Biodiversity Foundation, who found the otter footprints while walking along the riverbank on this day, explained to <News Penguin> that the footprints extended for about 100 to 150 meters. He further stated, "Considering the ecological habits of otters, this section has a well-developed terrain near the water's edge, with rock crevices, reed beds, grasslands, tree roots and gaps, providing a favorable habitat for otters."

Hyang-hee Kim, the head of the Jungnangcheon Environmental Center, which is carrying out Han River otter conservation activities, said, "The Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park is located in the downstream area of the Han River, and otter's excrement have been discovered in the Nanji Han River Park and otter have been captured on unmanned cameras a few years ago." 

She continued "Since otters have also been found in the Hongjecheon Han River confluence area since last year, it is to assume otters from the downstream of the Han River and the range of Goyang City in Gyeonggi-do Province might naturally move back and forth."

Hyang-hee Kim emphasized, "Discovering otter traces in a waterfront area near the Han River indicates that otters naturally distribute from the upper to the lower reaches of the Han River," adding, "There is a task of protecting wetlands and vegetation zones around the Han River."

Map of areas with excellent otter habitat. (Photo Seoul Metropolitan Government)/News Penguin
Map of areas with excellent otter habitat. (Photo Seoul Metropolitan Government)/News Penguin

As part of the 'Great Han River Project,' Seoul City is pushing for the designation of ecological landscape conservation areas in the Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park. However, the point where otter footprints were found is outside the Gangseo Wetland Ecological Park and will not be included in the conservation area. Researcher Min-kyu Seong raised his voice, saying, "Continuous monitoring of the area and additional conservation efforts such as discussions on expanding the designation as an ecological landscape conservation area, are needed."

Meanwhile, the Great Han River Project presents itself as a 'restoration of nature' project, but it has been criticized for focusing more on development than nature conservation. In December of last year, at COP15 (15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity) held in Montreal, Canada, the international community agreed to designate 30% of terrestrial and marine areas as protected areas. In line with this, the South Korean Ministry of Environment and local governments are also increasing the designation of protected areas.

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